Milan Mayor Says Inter Milan ‘Lagging Behind’ AC Milan In New Stadium Projects

Milan Mayor Beppe Sala believes that Inter Milan have not made as much progress in their new stadium plans as AC Milan have.

Speaking to reporters, via FCInterNews, the Milan Mayor also gave his thoughts on possible transportation problems that the two clubs each having their own stadiums could cause.

One thing that now looks perfectly clear is that Inter and Milan are each pursuing their own stadium projects.

And that both clubs are ready to build outside of the city of Milano.

For the Rossoneri, that has meant pursuing plans in the San Donato area.

Milan were the first of the two teams to lose patience with the constant bureaucratic delays.

But Inter have also all but abandoned the idea of replacing the San Siro with a new stadium which they would share with their city rivals.

The Nerazzurri now look to be going full speed ahead in the Rozzano area.

In the view of Milan Mayor Sala, in any event, it is Milan who are further along.

Sala: Inter Not As Far Along As AC Milan In New Stadium Plans

Milan Mayor Sala remarked that “I haven’t spoken to the clubs lately.”

“To be clear, I’ve spoken with the Mayor of San Donato recently. It’s clear that the Rossoneri are determined to move forward.”

“But they still have some issues to resolve,” he continued.

“The first of which relates to movement and traffic.”

As far as Inter’s plans in Rozzano, Sala said that “They seem to be lagging further behind.”

“And furthermore, that would double the issues with movement and traffic,” the Milan Mayor observed.

“Already, getting the authorizations for the Olympics was a major problem,” he said.

“So it won’t be simple.”

“The second is the issue of policing,” Sala noted.

“The mayor of San Donato said ‘You can lend them to us.”

“I’m not trying to be malicious. But I’m saying you can’t count on it,” Sala said.

“I have a citizenry that asks me for more police on the street,” he said. “I can’t give them to San Donato.”