Inter Milan Curva Nord Ultras Forced To Cancel Choreography Planned For Atletico Madrid Clash: “We Must Pay The Price & Take Full Responsibility”

Inter Milan Curva Nord supporters won’t be able to display the choreography planned for the Atletico Madrid clash.

The Nerazzurri ultras often deliver jaw-dropping tifo on grand occasions, and this was expected to be the case on Tuesday when they host Diego Simeone’s team in the first leg of the Champions League Round 16.

Nevertheless, the authorities will prevent them from displaying any banners and using megaphones until the end of the season.

Nothing has been said about choreographies moving on past Atletico Madrid game.

La Gazzetta dello Sport reports that local authorities have imposed a restraint on Inter’s organized supporters.

This comes as a result of the crowd trouble that ensued during the clash against Juventus a couple of weeks ago.

A section of fans that associates itself with the Curva Nord group attacked police with pyro. Their actions caused damage to a police vehicle.

These individuals also attacked the Juventus team bus. The police detained 50 Inter fans in the aftermath.

But unfortunately for the rest of the Curva Nord ultras, they will pay the price for the rogue acts committed by a minority.

The Curva released a statement on Friday revealing the punishment received for these actions.

They will not be allowed to use megaphones or waive banners for the rest of the season.

Inter Milan Curva Nord Punished After Trouble With Police

Nevertheless, the Ultras acknowledge their responsibility, vowing to clean their ranks from trouble-makers.

“Dear Inter fans, we have many important battles awaiting us,” reads the Curva Nord’s social media statement.

“But unfortunately, due to the recent events in the Curva, there will be no banners, no megaphones. Moreover, we won’t be able to carry away the planned choreography against Atletico Madrid.

“We must pay the price and take full responsibility for it. But above all, we will make sure not to commit these mistakes again.

“Due to these events, we have lost many young people dedicated to the cause. But this must give us the strength to unite and move forward together.

“Each of us will have to give 110 % to make up for it. We will have to follow the guys at the barrier.

“Only by helping each other and closing our ranks will we come out stronger.

“These will be tough months for us. Nonetheless, if each of us does his part, we will once again be the best Curva in Italy,” concluded the statement.