Canada FIFA World Cup Star Shows Sparks In Debut For Inter Milan Vs Salernitana

Wingback Tajon Buchanan showed a couple early sparks in his first ever appearance for Inter Milan against Salernitana yesterday.

As L’Interista note, the player ratings for the match lauded the Canadian for trying to make something happen even in a match that was well and truly over.

Buchanan’s debut for Inter did not quite come in the circumstances that most had expected.

The 25-year-old signed for the Nerazzurri last month as cover for the right flank.

With Juan Cuadrado out for much of the rest of the season with injury, Denzel Dumfries having had some fitness issues this season, and Matteo Darmian also needed in defense, the club decided to reinforce at right-wingback.

And Buchanan is the player who Inter went with.

However, during the last few weeks, the Canadian international hasn’t been needed on the right.

Darmian started six matches in a row at right-wingback, with the veteran’s fitness not a problem.

And yesterday evening, it was Dumfries who came back into the starting eleven.

In the meantime, Buchanan has spent the last month integrating into the team in training.

Tajon Buchanan Shows Sparks In Inter Debut Vs Salernitana

But it was on the left where Buchanan was needed yesterday.

Inter coach Simone Inzaghi decided to give centre-back Alessandro Bastoni a rest. And it was Carlos Augusto who moved into defense from left-wingback to replace the Italian.

Federico Dimarco could of course have come on at left-wingback. But he got the night off in view of next Tuesday’s Champions League match against Atletico Madrid.

Therefore, Buchanan showed his versatility right away by playing on the left.

And the Canadian gave a clear demonstration of what he can offer.

Buchanan did not quite look like a polished player in the wingback role. But his willingness to take players on and try to make things happen was evident.

The former Club Brugge man even came close to winning a penalty late on.

Inter fans will be hoping that this is just a taste of the kind of direct threat that Buchanan can bring to the pitch.