Simone Inzaghi has completely and utterly turned his fortunes around at Inter Milan in the space of twelve months.

This is highlighted in today’s print edition of Turin-based newspaper Tuttosport, via FCInterNews.

The spring of last year was nothing less than a horror show for Inter.

The Nerazzurri had started the year with some hope of getting back into the title race against Napoli.

And instead, the team slide further and further away from the Partenopei.

Inter endured a miserable run of form that lasted through February, March, and April. It culminated in a shocking sequence that saw the Nerazzurri take one point from five matches.

Inevitably, that led to doubts about Inzaghi’s future.

The coach is almost always the first to face criticism in situations like the one Inter were in last year.

And Inzaghi faced a real barrage of criticism. But the coach stood up to it. And his club stood behind him.

Simone Inzaghi From The Brink To Building A Dynasty At Inter Milan

Now, Inzaghi faces next to no criticism.

And the reason for this is, quite simply, that there would be little to criticize the 47-year-old for.

Inzaghi has Inter flying high at the top of the Serie A table.

Whilst Napoli have dropped down the table in remarkable fashion, the Nerazzurri have taken up their mantle in a dominant position at the top. They currently have a whopping twelve-point advantage over Juventus.

That has meant that there is plenty of interest in Inzaghi from some of the biggest teams in Europe.

And Inter are keen to lock down the coach’s future. They want to extend his contract until the end of June 2027, showing their faith in him to lead a long-term project.

Inter believe that Inzaghi can be at the helm of a “dynasty.”

That would have seemed hard to fathom just one year ago.