Inter Milan & AC Milan To Attend Crucial San Siro Meeting Tomorrow – The Three Possible Plans Revealed

Inter Milan and AC Milan will attend a meeting with City Mayor Beppe Sala on Friday to discuss a potential plan to renovate the San Siro.

The two clubs have given up on attempts to build a new modern stadium to replace the current one. This following a series of bureaucratic hurdles.

The local authorities eventually placed a restraint order preventing the demolition of the current ground, citing its historical and cultural significance.

Therefore, the two clubs went in separate directions. Milan are looking to build their stadium at San Donato, while Inter are doing likewise in the Razzano region.

Nevertheless, Milano Mayor Giuseppe Sala is still hoping to keep the two Serie A giants within the city walls.

The Milano municipality has been working with industrial giant company WeBuild on a project to renovate the San Siro.

According to Calcio e Finanza, an important meeting between Inter, Milan, Sala and WeBuild representatives will take place on Friday.

As the source explains, the building company will suggest three different solutions.

The first would be a substantial renovation allowing both clubs to play at the stadium while the construction work is ongoing.

The report believes this could be a viable option. However, it might require a period of ten years to finish the project.

Inter Milan & AC Milan To Discuss San Siro Options With Mayor Sala

The second plan would be a more in-depth renovation. But in this case, the two clubs would have to find an alternative stadium to host their matches. This would be for least two years.

Therefore, it might be an undesired solution, as Inter and Milan might struggle to find a suitable stadium.

Finally, the third solution would only include minimal work. It would allow the two Serie A giants to remain at a “refreshed” San Siro while they continue to work on their respective projects in San Donato and Rozzano.

In this case, Milan and Inter would eventually have the choice of staying at San Siro in case their alternative options go awry.