Inter Milan are ready to put the finishing touches on a contract extension for coach Simone Inzaghi imminently.

This according to today’s print edition of Milan-based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, via FCInterNews. The outlet anticipates a new deal until the end of June 2027 for the 48-year-old.

At the moment, Inter are beginning life under new owners Oaktree Capital.

The US fund have made clear that they see Inzaghi as the perfect coach to lead their Nerazzurri project, both on and off the pitch.

So there will be no issues with the contract extension that Inter and Inzaghi have already been negotiating.

Yesterday, Oaktree met with Inzaghi. The new owners discussed transfer plans, trophy ambitions, and the like with the coach.

And one upshot of the meeting was that it is only a matter of time before Inzaghi puts pen to paper on a new deal.

Inter Milan To Finalize Simone Inzaghi Extension Imminently

At the moment, Inzaghi is under contract with Inter until the end of next June.

The former Lazio coach signed his most recent extension last summer.

This followed in Inter CEO Beppe Marotta’s longstanding policy of handing coaches one-year bumper contracts each summer.

But in Inzaghi’s case, Marotta has shown a willingness to make an exception.

The 48-year-old has given Inter reason to want to build their project around him for several years to come.

There have been ups and downs over the last three years with Inzaghi as Inter coach. But the overall trajectory has been upwards, culminating in this season’s Serie A title triumph.

So therefore, Inter will be happy to extend Inzaghi’s contract by two seasons rather than just one.

The Nerazzurri are offering Inzaghi an extension until the end of June 2027, with the coach’s wages rising to 6.5 million net per season.

The Gazzetta report that very soon there will be a meeting between Inter and Inzaghi’s agent Tullio Tinti. This will be for the purpose of ironing out the final details on the coach’s new contract.

Then, the Inter coach can put pen to paper.