Inter Milan were reportedly irked by the agent of Lautaro Martinez who made some comments regarding contract extension negotiations in recent days.

The two parties have been discussing a new deal for quite some time now. But while both have reiterated their desire to move forward together, the white smoke has yet to emerge.

As Il Corriere dello Sport (via FcInterNews) explains, the club’s management is growing increasingly irritated by Alejandro Camano’s recurring public statements.

The agent has been constantly suggesting that the club must raise their salary offer.

While the Nerazzurri aren’t willing to go beyond 8,5 million euros per year, Camano has reportedly asked for 12M.

The Roman newspaper reveals that the club directors feel that the agent is acting on his own accord. Therefore, they would like to listen directly to Martinez in order to understand whether he shares the same demands with his agent.

Inter Milan Blame Alejandro Camano For Lautaro Martinez Contract Debacle

The source also believes that the Italian champions aren’t willing to waste time on this front. That is because they fear losing their leverage over the situation.

After all, the captain’s contract is valid until 2026. So if he doesn’t intend to sign an extension, now would be the ideal time to cash in on his services, as his market value would significantly drop next summer.

The source claims that Inter would be willing to seriously consider offers above 100 million euros.

However, the club directors feel they could have easily avoided this unpleasant situation. Therefore, they direct the blame towards Camano and his contract demands.

Martinez has been plying his trade at Inter since 2018. He has now cemented himself as the club’s ultimate leader and talisman.