Legendary Ex Inter Milan President Denies Causing Financial Hole: “I Covered The Club’s Losses Myself”

Former Inter Milan president Massimo Moratti replies to a new report that accused him of causing a financial hole during his time at the club.

The 78-year-old was at the club’s helm until he sold his majority shares to Erik Thohir in 2013.

During his time at the club, the Nerazzurri had their highs and lows. However, the supporters will always associate him with the 2009/10 treble-winning campaign with Jose Mourinho in the dugout.

However, a recent article in La Repubblica claimed that the club’s debts grew during the former owner’s time at the club.

This sparked a reply from Moratti who quashed the story, asking for a correction. On the contrary, the legendary president insisted that he used to cover the club’s losses from his own pocket.

“Dear editor, I am referring to the article that appeared yesterday in the paper and online editions entitled ‘Inter’s debt that links the treble to the second star'”, wrote Moratti in his reply via FcInterNews.

“Naturally, I reject the hypothesis of having ever created any ‘hole’, much less at Inter’s expense.

Massimo Moratti Denies Causing Losses During His Time At Inter Milan

“As the writer of the piece will also be able to confirm, everyone knows that I used to personally cover the club’s operational losses myself.”

“It goes without saying that any different that the other owners made to resort to financing instead of direct injections of capital doesn’t no concern me,” concluded the statement.

Despite selling the club more than 10 years ago, Moratti remains very fond of Inter and a staunch defender of the cause.