A report in the Italian media is certain that the next Inter Milan president will be Italian, with Carlo Marchetti emerging as the favorite candidate for the role.

The club is currently undergoing a major corporate overhaul following the change of ownership.

Departing owners Suning failed to repay their loan to Oaktree Capital by the due date. Therefore, they had to relinquish their majority shares at the club in favor of their creditors.

Hence, Oaktree have now taken control at Viale della Liberazione, which will prompt changes on the administrative level.

On Tuesday, a general assembly meeting will take place to appoint a new board of directors and subsequently a new club president.

The previous board contained six Chinese members affiliated with Suning. Thus, the new board could feature a bigger number of Italians.

Moreover, La Gazzetta dello Sport (via FcInterNews) insists that the new club president will be Italian as well.

He will replace Steven Zhang who bid the Nerazzurri an emotional farewell last week. The Chinese businessman was desperate to extend his stay at the club, but failed to secure an agreement to refinance the debt in time.

Carlo Marchetti The Favorite For Inter Milan Presidency

As the pink newspaper reveals, the primary candidate to inherit Zhang’s seat is Carlo Marchetti.

The Italian has been a member of the board since 2021 acting as an independent director. He is also closely associated with Oaktree.

He joined the board alongside Amadeo Carassai shortly after the US-based company granted Suning a loan.

Many considered Marchetti and Carassai as Oaktree’s representatives on Inter’s board of directors.


On the other hand, Inter’s sporting department should remain intact, with Beppe Marotta and Piero Ausilio at the helm.