Inter Milan wing-back Tajon Buchanan is facing a crucial season ahead as he looks to establish himself at the club.

As reported in today’s newspaper edition of Corriere dello Sport, and via, the Canada international has an opportunity to become a first-team regular ahead of him in 2024/25.

Buchanan joined Inter from Club Brugges in a €7 million deal in January of this year and spent the second half of the Nerazzurri’s title-winning season getting up to speed with Serie A and life in Italy.

However, with this settling in period now behind him, it is reported that Buchanan must now show his worth and prove himself at Inter, particularly as the summer transfer window could open up a clear path for him.

It is expected that Juan Cuadrado will be released after a single injury-plagued season, whilst the Nerazzurri may also cash in on Denzel Dumfries if a suitable offer comes in.

This would leave Buchanan and Matteo Darmian as the main options at right wing-back, giving the former the chance to make the role his own.

Buchanan is currently focusing on Canada’s Copa America campaign, and it is felt that a good tournament in the USA could provide the perfect platform for a successful season with Inter.