Wingback Denzel Dumfries has once again made clear his desire to stay at Inter Milan this summer.

The Dutchman spoke to Rome-based newspaper Corriere dello Sport in an interview published in today’s print edition, via FCInterNews. He called the Nerazzurri his “home.”

Dumfries is at a bit of a crossroads at Inter this summer.

The Dutchman is currently under contract with the Nerazzurri until the end of next June. He is still on the same four-year deal that he signed when he joined from PSV in 2021.

Therefore, Inter’s intentions are clear.

The Nerazzurri want to extend Dumfries’s deal. Otherwise, they would aim to sell him this summer rather than risk losing him on a free transfer in twelve months’ time.

Reportedly, Premier League side Aston Villa are targeting the Dutchman.

However, if Dumfries does accept a contract extension offer from Inter, then he will not be on the market this summer.

Denzel Dumfries: “I Want To Stay At Inter Milan”

There have already been contract talks between Inter and Dumfries’s representatives for several months.

So far, there has not been an agreement on a new deal for the former PSV man.

Reports suggest that the problem is that there is still distance between Inter’s offer and Dumfries’s demands.

The Nerazzurri have reportedly put a take-it-or-leave-it offer worth 4 million net per season on the table.

Meanwhile, Dumfries and his agents have been seeking around 5 million net per season in wages.

But the Inter wingback made clear that “I want to stay.”

“Inter is my home,” the Dutchman continued. “I feel like I’m part of a family.”

“There have already been discussions with the club directors,” Dumfries confirmed. “But all of us players know that negotiations have been delayed by the change in ownership.”

“Right now I’m focused on the Euros,” Dumfries added.

“Then, we’ll see what happens.”