Inter Milan could bring in a capital gain of around 69.4 million if they sell midfielder Hakan Calhanoglu to Bayern Munich this summer.

This according to Italian outlet Calcio e Finanza. The outlet note that the Nerazzurri would record almost the entire transfer fee for the Turk as a capital gain.

The rumours have been swirling in recent days regarding German giants Bayern having an interest in Calhanoglu.

Inter will not let the 30-year-old former AC Milan and Bayer Leverkusen midfielder go for cheap.

And Bayern would be well aware of this. They will have to be serious with their offer if they are to sign Calhanoglu.

Reports have bandied around figures as high as 70 million as far as Inter’s asking price for Calhanoglu.

And one thing that is clear is that the Nerazzurri would not let a player who was named as the best midfielder in Serie A last season go for any less than 50 million.

Massive Potential Capital Gain Inter Could Bring In Selling Hakan Calhanoglu To Bayern

In terms of the value that Calhanoglu is currently amortized for in Inter’s balance sheet, the that the Turkish international arrived on a free transfer, is very significant.

The Nerazzurri signed Calhanoglu at the end of his contract with AC Milan in 2021.

The last available data Calhanoglu was amortized for in Inter’s books comes from the fiscal year ending in June 2023.

At that time, the total historical cost of the midfielder was 2.4 million. Therefore his amortization cost in Inter’s books at that time was 841,000

However, Calhanoglu extended his contract with Inter last summer.

Therefore, Calcio e Finanza conclude, the total amortization cost of the 30-year-old now would be around €631,000.

As such, that would be the amount to subtract from any transfer fee Inter are to receive for Calhanoglu. The remaining sum would be the capital gains.

As such, if the fee were to be 50 million, the capital gain would be 49.4 million for Inter.

And that would rise to a 69.4 million capital gain if the fee were to be 70 million.

Meanwhile, Calcio e Finanza note, the total cost of Calhanoglu to Inter during his three years at the club has been around 12.2 million.

That is taking into account both the player’s wages and the (minimal) amortization costs of his contract.