Inter Milan are ready to take a hard line on their contract extension policy.

Today’s print edition of Milan-based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, via FCInterNews, note how the situations of Lautaro Martinez and Hakan Calhanoglu exemplify the club’s approach.

Behind the scenes, Inter’s management are always mindful of the contract situations of key players.

Securing important players’ futures with long-term deals is just as important as signings and sales for the Nerazzurri.

Inter CEO Beppe Marotta is the architect of Inter’s contract extension policy, as with their transfer strategy.

And new owners Oaktree Capital have come in with their own outlook.

As the Gazzetta note, Oaktree have a reputation for taking a rigid stance in negotiations. Once they have a policy, they stick to it.

That is also how Marotta operates. Particularly when there are financial limitations to respect.

And Inter’s approach to contract extension talks this summer has proved that.

Inter Milan Take Hard Line Approach On Contract Extension Policy – No Exceptions

One of the biggest contract situations at Inter is that of club captain Lautaro Martinez.

The Nerazzurri have been in talks with the Argentine’s agents to tie him down on a new deal for months.

However, the talks hit a roadblock in the form of Martinez’s wage demands.

Inter have shown a willingness to offer Martinez wages that reach double figures with add-ons if he signs a new five-year deal.

But last month, Martinez’s agent came out with some provocative comments suggesting that he felt that Inter’s offer wasn’t high enough.

Nevertheless, Inter didn’t budge under that pressure. They stuck to their guns and continued to put forward an offer that was within their parameters.

There was even a sense that, should Martinez not be willing to accept this offer, Inter could sell their captain.

In the end, Martinez told his agent to stop stalling and accept Inter’s offer.

Meanwhile, the Gazzetta note, midfielder Hakan Calhanoglu has tried to use interest from Bayern Munich to secure a new contract with improved terms this summer.

But once again, Inter’s stance has been firm. They negotiated a new deal with Calhanoglu last summer, and they will not be updating it after just twelve months.

Now, Inter will have to work out a new deal for coach Simone Inzaghi.

There is complete optimism that the 48-year-old will sign an extension sooner or later. But Inter will not make any concessions in negotiations to speed things up.