Striker Mehdi Taremi will officially complete his Inter Milan transfer on the tenth of next month.

This according to Iranian football journalist Hatem Shiralizadeh. He reports in a tweet that that will be the date that Taremi travels to Milan and begins life as a Nerazzurri player.

For months, it’s been clear that Taremi will become an Inter player this summer.

The Nerazzurri reached an agreement with the 31-year-old in January. He will join on a free transfer after his contract with Portuguese club Porto runs out.

Taremi has already completed his medicals and signed his deal.

The Iranian international has spoken about his excitement for the move to Inter openly.

However, as of yet, Taremi has not yet donned the Inter shirt as he gets ready to start his Nerazzurri adventure.

Mehdi Taremi To Be Announced At An Inter Milan Player On July 10th

At the moment, Taremi is on his holidays.

After a busy season with Porto, as well as with Iran at the Asian Cup in the winter, the 31-year-old is resting up to start life at Inter.

But Taremi will cur vacation short. This so he can start work at Inter’s preseason training camp.

According to Iranian journalist Shiralizadeh, Taremi has already set the date for his arrival in Milan.

Subsequently, the Iranian international should arrive in the city on July 10th. There, Taremi can begin the process of settling in, on and off the pitch.

This will include posing in the Inter shirt at the Nerazzurri headquarters. Taremi will also give his first official interview as an Inter player upon his arrival.

Therefore, there will hardly be any surprise in seeing Taremi as an Inter player for the first time after months of anticipation.

But in just a couple weeks, the Iranian will be officially unveiled.