Inter Milan President On San Siro Situation: ‘No New Updates But We’re Working On It’

Inter Milan President Beppe Marotta says that at the moment there are no new developments with the new stadium.

The Nerazzurri President spoke to reporters, via FCInterNews. He briefly updated on the situation, making clear that while it is important there is nothing new to report.

This summer is set to be a big one for the new stadium situation in the city of Milan.

Last month, architectural firm WeBuild presented their plans to renovate the San Siro.

This is part of the efforts by Milan Mayor Beppe Sala to keep Inter and Milan at the iconic stadium.

The Mayor is more or less pursuing the final last-ditch possibility. The two clubs have already started pursuing new plans that would see them move outside of the city of Milan to their own new stadiums.

Inter are at work in the commune of Rozzano. Milan, meanwhile, have focused their own plans on the San Donato area.

For several years, the Nerazzurri and the Rossoneri have aimed to try and demolish the San Siro and build a new stadium in its place.

This is because the two clubs feel that the existing stadium does not meet their needs.

The San Siro does not generate the kind of revenues that the more modern stadiums that house Inter and Milan’s biggest European rivals do.

Inter President Marotta: “No New Developments On San Siro Situation”

Milan Mayor Sala is hoping that WeBuild’s plans to renovate the San Siro can change Inter and Milan’s outlook.

The architectural firm believe that they can make significant changes that would allow the San Siro to become more of a cash cow for the clubs.

Inter and Milan have the firm’s plans in hand.

The clubs will assess whether the idea of staying at the San Siro could be adequate for their financial needs.

Moreover, WeBuild have promised that the renovation project will pose only a minimal disruption to the clubs’ playing schedule. That is another key priority for Inter and Milan.

Inter and Milan should deliver their response in the relatively near future.

But as for whether there are any new developments at the moment, Inter President Marotta said “At the moment, no.”

“We have dedicated people working on the matter,” he added.

“It’s obviously a matter of great importance for us.”