Journalist Paolo Condò has offered his suggestions on how Inter should look to rebuild ahead of next season. Here is what he had to say in the studios of Sky Sport:

“Inter must work quickly to right the wrongs of this season. I do not have any more confidence in this group, and it seems the players do not care whether or not they qualify for the Europa League. I think the club needs a new president at the helm. I cannot wait to see the back of Erick Thohir, whose only interest in buying the club was to sell it on to a large company like Suning for a quick profit. In my opinion, Inter need a man like Leonardo. He already did this job at PSG, whose owner was a novice on the international market when he first arrived in Europe. Inter’s signings last summer were negatively impacted by super agents who took the club for a ride. Having someone with experience on board will be crucial to stop this happening again.

“Three players I would confirm? Gagliardini, who has increased the value of the team and can give the club exactly what is required. I would also give João Mário another chance, as he has demonstrated his willingness to work for the good of the team. Finally, I’d have Icardi the centre-forward, not the captain. Godín would be a great signing because of his experience, as would Berardi and Bernardeschi in order to begin a new cycle built on an Italian core.”

Source: Sky