When the award Il Bello del Calcio was awarded to Javier Zanetti today, fcinternews.it were present in the RCS headquarters to interview the son of man that has the award was named after: Gianfelice Facchetti. The jurymember and close friend of the Inter captain commented the morning like this: “We are here to honor the memory of my father and the qualities of a champion like Javier., I think of Boninsegna, the many people who are here and the common supporters who are important parts of the story of a champion, a fundamental part of my father’s sporting life.”

Who in this Interteam do you think may one day seek to receive this award?
“In this team ‘Il Bello del Calcio’ can one day go to Andrea Ranocchia. He has regained his place in the team, he is an intelligent guy. He is also a very good footballer and even on the human level, I have always thought that he was perfect for this team. He is one of tomorrow’s symbols in the history of Inter.”

What do you think your father would think of this Inter team?
“It’s actually one thing that arouses curiosity and therefore deserves attention. The intention is to start over again, to focus on new forces, trying to deal with a generational change that we are facing after a winning cycle that lasted several years. So I think of those who have tried to rebuild Inter for years and that they deserve praise. The thing my father would say if he were here would be to allow the project to grow and to give it time to make mistakes. It is the only way to get better and better.’

Did you expect a crash in Bergamo after the victory in Turin?
“It was a strange game last night. Despite the loss the team fought to the end and always gave the impression of doing well. They made an effort beyond the absent, although there was some lucidity missing both in attack and defense. We had to pay for certain errors. We allowed too much in front of goal and was not cynical enough.”

Source: fcinternews.it