Juan Jesus

One of Inter’s best performers against Roma, Juan Jesus first talked about the two matches at the Olimpico as he spoke to Sportmediaset: “I put a good shift in but I’m disappointed with the draw and the defeat because we played well. I thank people for their praise but I’ve still got a long way to go. When will I score my first goal? I’ve not managed it yet but I think it will come soon.”

Considered one of the revelations of Inter’s campaign so far, along with Fredy Guarin, the Brazilian defender had this to say about his team-mate: “He’s a great player and a great man. We joined at the same time, at the start he didn’t play much, but we were always together because we basically speak the same language. I hope we can both stay here as long as possible so the team can keep improving. Who’s the better player? He is, for sure!”

“I’m eternally grateful to Stramaccioni for the faith he’s shown in me because, as a player, it helps enormously when you know you’ve got the coach’s backing.” And it was against Torino that the coach began to back his player: “I remember it well because that match changed my situation. I’ve started playing every game since then but, as I’ve said, I still need to improve a lot to be able to win trophies.”

From the moment he came to Italy, the most difficult thing for Juan Jesus was “the cold more than anything else, because we Brazilians aren’t used to these temperatures, nor the snow. This is the only difficulty I’ve encountered.” His best moment is still “the game against Torino because I believe I played very well.” Does he still think about Brazil? “I don’t feel nostalgia for my country yet, I’ve only been here in Italy for a year and I want to stay here for ten or fifteen. I really miss my family, but I have a job to do.”

No one in particular but all his team-mates helped him settle in when he first arrived in Italy: “Yes, that’s right. Ivan (Cordoba) helped me when he was still playing, Zanetti, everyone really. I think we’ve got a great dressing room, I really like it here and in general I don’t have issues with anyone.”

His thoughts then turned to the next game: “We’re still in there, just 3 points off Napoli and Lazio. We need to win and stay close to them. How far can we go? I never give up, it’s still all to play for. If we string a few wins together, we can do it.”

Juan Jesus doesn’t seem overly surprised by the names in Luiz Felipe Scolari’s Brazil squad: “He does his job and I’ll continue to do mine. I’ve not been called up this time but I hope to be involved in the next squad. Do I expect to be picked? Yes, I expect to but first of all I need to focus on Inter.”

The Brazilian defender also shared his thoughts on the transfer window and potential new signing Paulinho: “I know him, he’s a great player. He always gets into the box and scores a lot of goals. It’d be great for us if he does join Inter. What about Coutinho possibly leaving the club? I’d be sad but he needs to do what’s right for him. However it goes, whether he leaves or not, it won’t change our friendship.”

Finally, what’s his target for 2013? “I want to win everything: the Coppa Italia, Europa League and give everything in the league. Can we do it? Yes, always.”

Source: inter.it