At the end of the super game versus Tottenham Ricky Alvarez presented himself in the mixed zone to talk with the journalists about the bitter win of the evening. FcInternews was present and have collected his statements.

” We gave everything we had to go through but football is like this. At times you don’t reap what you sow, but now our main objective is to arrive third.”

Fcinternews asks him how much he suffers the pressure from the fans when they jeer him after mistakes:

“What I always say is that when things don’t go well it is normal that the fans aren’t enthusiastic. I try to give my best for the team in every game, but nobody likes when things don’t go well.”

Fcinternews steps in and asks about the accusations of him being excessively slow.

“For sure I practise and work out at my best to do well in every game, I can’t say anything to the fans” .

Was it an Inter helped by Tottenham? The Argentinian does not agree.

“We did it all ourselves, they slowed the rhytm down a bit compared to the last game and we took advantage of this. We played a great game, all that was missing was one more goal. But we need to move forward.”

He is the asked about his physical condition since he walked off the pitch limping.

“I am fine, I feel fine. The guys did an amazing effort and now we have a game on Sunday that we need to win to be able to reach third place.”

About the miscalculated first halves lately Alvarez says that the team needs to have a better approach to the games, using this evenings game as a stepping stone. If the team does so he thinks they can win all the remaining games. Lastly Fcinternews asks him about the second consecutive header in goal.

“Let’s hope the one from the foot arrives soon. The goal is important, I am sorry it didn’t help us qualify”