In today’s print edition Italian daily newspaper Tuttosport have highlighted why Inter president Steven Zhang has not been in Milan in four and a half months.

Whilst his absence is largely due to the global Coronavirus pandemic which originated in China, it is not the only reason why Zhang is still in China.

His father, Inter owner Jindong Zhang, just like all owners of big conglomerates in the country, plays a role in China’s national assembly and this is a factor behind him still being in China.

There is also a lack of commercial flights to enable Zhang to return to Milan and whilst he could return to Milan via a private flight, such actions would see him heavily criticised.

It therefore makes more sense for him to remain in China until it will be possible for him to return to Milan without taking shortcuts and when the situation is a bit closer to normality.

Whilst he is thousands of miles away, the report from the Turin based news outlet explains that Zhang remains very much involved in the goings on at the club and he is at work trying to find Inter a new main shirt sponsor to replace Pirelli in the Summer of 2021.

The report concludes that there is still no precise date for Zhang to return to Milan but the feeling is that it will not be too long until he is back in Italy.