Italian finance journalist Mauro Meazza has given an explanation of the intentions of the InterSpac project.

Speaking to the program Tutti Convocati on Italian broadcaster Sole 24 Ore, reported by FCInter1908, the journalist went into detail about how the project intends to achieve a model of majority fan ownership of shares in the Nerazzurri.

Currently, Italian clubs such as Inter have a single owner who provides financial backing and makes decisions on how the club is run.

However, as Meazza explains, the intention of the InterSpac initiative is to challenge this model and replace it with one in which smaller amounts of shares are owned by many individual fans.

He projects that the intention of InterSpac president Carlo Cottarelli is not simply to buy a small number of shares, but to achieve majority control of the club, by amassing enough interest in the project to prompt fans to participate in enough numbers to buy the majority of the club’s shares.

He explains:

“The model is that of Bayern, many small investors with a little money, some with medium capacity, and selected investors with a lot of money. A company is formed to buy another. The ambition of Cottarelli and Interspac is to even be able to acquire the majority stake in Inter, taking into account that the situation of the shareholders is far from linear.”

He continues, “Suning is mediated by a chain of control. So far the company has not said it is not interested. It has not said it is interested, but it has not stopped the project. Evidently they could be interested in some way.”