thohir materazzi

Today, Erick Thohir spoke again about the transfer market and his vision of possible actions in January when he was interviewed by “At Inter decisions are now made collectively. We don’t buy players based on their origin or loan them, but players that really are needed in this team and falls under coach Walter Mazzarri’s requirements. The need is the main criterion, the funds are not a problem. It’s impossible to gather many players and then maybe not let them play because there are other players with higher quality. This year we have only the league and the Coppa Italia, if we had played in the Champions League we might have needed some extra players.”

“There are so many clubs in Europe that buy players at a high price and then don’t let them play, we don’t want to buy or borrow players and then not use them. In the same way as in DC United, I will be very disciplined in Inter in the use of resources. My goal is to make the club sound and take it back to being competitive in Europe.”

Thohir then talked about the current strikers on the team: “It’s just Rodrigo Palacio, Fredy Guarin has been forced to play as a striker. I therefore hope that Ishak Belfodil, who has a great future, will grow further.”
