Javier Zanetti

Javier Zanetti was interviewed by Inter Channel after the Inter captain saw his side draw for the 3rd consecutive match in the Serie A, this time against Parma as the match at San Siro finished 3-3.

What are your impressions after a match like this?

“Anger, remorse, because we created several chances, we managed to turn the match around which is what we wanted to do. We’re trying to take the next step in these kind of matches, but right now they end like this.”

The 3-2 goal seemed to be the goal that would open that path to a win…

“Yes these events affected us a bit. Parma played a very good match where they caused us problems. Up until they scored 3-3 we were in control of the match, after the goal it could have gone either way.”

When we get to see so many goals, is it thanks to the skill of the attackers or is it due to the inattentiveness of the defenders?

“It’s a combination of both things. We have to learn how to deal with these situations, understand and learn from our mistakes and then try to become great.”

Another chance wasted…

We weren’t able to take that last step which allows us to be in the very top of the table, which is what we want.”

You received a lot of affection from the fans tonight….

“In every match I’ve played I’ve felt good, my heel responds in a positive way. I’m sorry that Yuto couldn’t start today. I tried to do what I had to do, now I hope everyone’s feeling good and that they can do their part in our campaing.”

Imorgon åker du till Rom för att träffa påven…

“Ja imorgon har jag det här stora mötet i Rom, vi kommer att prata om sport. Förhoppningsvis kan han ge oss mycket styrka.”

Tomorrow you’re going to Rome to meet the Pope…

“Yes tomorrow I have this great appointment in Rome, we will talk about sports. Hopefully he can give us strength.”