Dejan Stankovic was a guest on the program Quelli che…Il Calcio, broadcast on Rai Due and was interviewed by Nicola Savino. The former Inter midfielder first got a question about the derby: “Of course I’ll watch it. I still live in Milan, I’m happy here. I spent five and a half years in Rome where I got great satisfaction, and then I played with great champions.”

Then he played for Inter, an experience that culminated with that night in Madrid, the pinnacle on a curve which then turned down: “But it’s like in life, there are ups and downs. After José Mourinho left the team was changed but I’m very hopeful. Massimo Moratti has left, one thing that makes me sad because he was my president, and in came Erick Thohir. Spend now? Calm, first they must make plans.”

Deki also commended his no to the Serbian Football Association: “I asked for some time, I’m young for such an important task. What I want to be when I grow up? Luis Figo, earlier I used to say I wanted to be like him,” he laughed as he alluded to the role the Portuguese has as an ambassador for Inter.

On the difference between his experiences with Lazio and Inter and between Rome and Milan Stankovic said: “Rome wins 3-0 as a city, but for a player Milan is much calmer. The derby in Rome is much more heated but it will be a real show in Milan.”

What does Mancini represent for Stankovic? “I used to joke that he was my father… We played together, he was an important person in my career.”
