Italian journalist Fabio Ravezzani feels that behind the celebrations of Inter President Steven Zhang at the team’s Christmas party are some major financial difficulties.

Speaking to Italian broadcaster TMW Radio, via FCInter1908, the journalist joked that the Champagne that the Nerazzurri President was toasting with might well be beyond his price range given the financial circumstances of Zhang and Suning as Inter owners.

Zhang was in good spirits at the Nerazzurri’s Christmas party, as were the rest of the squad and staff.

However, the celebrations of the holiday season took place amid a backdrop of ongoing financial difficulties, which it is unclear how the club will navigate.

For Ravezzani, it was hard to ignore the fact that the financial problems of Suning and Inter seem to be just around the corner.

Commenting on the party, Ravezzani said that “There are two sides of this to consider.”

“The first is that we can’t forget that this family has put a lot of money into Inter,” he said of the Zhangs, “and they’ve gotten acceptable results.”

“At this point, however, they’ve led the club into unprecedented debt.”

“I like Zhang,” he went on, “but it also worries me that when there were some foreclosures on their assets for matters related to the family in China, nothing was found.”

“The entire situation around Zhang and his family is worrying,” Ravezzani said.

“So I wonder about what kind of a future the Zhang family could have at Inter.”

“It seems to me almost like like Steven Zhang was toasting with Champagne that he didn’t have the money to pay for,” Ravezzani remarked.