Inter wingback Robin Gosens feels that the switch to the Nerazzurri from Atalanta was a challenge on a mental level, but that he wanted to take the next step in his career.

Speaking to UEFA TV, via FCInter1908, the German explained the psychological side to his adjustment to the Nerazzurri, describing it as a process where a player starts out as “nobody” in the locker room before gradually proving themselves.

Gosens was a highly rated player when he was at Atalanta, but the expectations changed when he made the switch to Inter.

Whilst the 28-year-old has had his share of positive moments in a Nerazzurri, including his goals against AC Milan and Barcelona, the overall sense is that he’s never really made the first-choice spot on the left his own.

This reflects the standards at the Nerazzurri, and for his part, Gosens feels that it had been an adjustment to come at play at the San Siro.

“It was definitely a very big challenge for me, mentally,” he said of the move.

“It took me out of my comfort zone.”

“It’s always hard to choose to leave your comfort zone and go try something new,” he continued.

The German explained that “I was very happy at Atalanta.”

“We won everything there was for the club to win, not in terms of titles, but in terms of overall achievements.”

Gosens reflected that “Leaving everything behind for a new adventure is, of course, a big deal from a mental perspective.”

“You arrive at a new club and basically start from scratch,” he added.

“Sure, you may have a certain reputation, but in the locker room you’re a ‘nobody’ and you have to prove your quality.”

“But I consciously wanted to leave my comfort zone, because I was ambitious to achieve as much as I could in sport.”

“I wanted to take the next step because I feel I can grow as a sportsman and also as a person,” he added.