The mayor of Milano Giuseppe Sala is still waiting to hear from Inter Milan and AC Milan as he refuses to give up on the new San Siro project.

The two crosstown rivals currently share the Giuseppe Meazza Stadium. They had been working on a unified project to build a modern stadium on the ashes of the current ground.

However, local authorities handed the project a deadly blow by refusing to demolish the current San Siro Stadium due to its cultural and historical significance.

Therefore, each club is now pursuing its own project. Milan are looking to build their stadium in San Donato whereas Inter have chosen the Rozzano region.

Nevertheless, the mayor of Milano is still hoping to resurrect the new San Siro project.

The Milano Mayor Is Still Waiting For A Clear Declaration Of Intent From Inter Milan And AC Milan Regarding The New San Siro Project

Sala argues that this project isn’t dead yet, as long as the two clubs haven’t officially communicate to him their decision to abandon it.

“I think there’s still hope for the San Siro,” claims the Milano mayor via FcInterNews.

“In my point of view, We can’t declare the San Siro file closed just yet. Let’s see.”

“We have an open procedure and we need to understand what intentions the two clubs have.

“It is useless for me to comment because any word on such a topic would be wrong. So we will see.

“In any case, as long as this procedure is open I’ll stay quiet and wait until the two clubs tell me that they’re no longer interested in San Siro.”