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UK: Inter initiates contact for Soldado

July 14, 2014 20:22
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According to the British press, Inter Milan has initiated contact for Tottenham Hotspur player Roberto Soldado. The Spanish striker is said to be interested in…

News on the Yedlin transfer scenario

July 14, 2014 20:18
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According to “SB Nation”, DeAndre Yedlin, who starred for the USA during the recent World Cup, is now a highly sought after prospect. Teams have…

Michael Williams & Fassone arrive at Pinzolo

July 14, 2014 20:11
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The new Chief Financial Officer for Inter Milan has arrived at Pinzolo for pre-season training and to meet the team. When he arrived he met…

France: Song leaving Barça. There is Inter…

July 14, 2014 20:05
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  Barcelona president Bartomeu was asked during an interview with “Mundo Deportivo” about the rumored sale of Alex Song in the mercato. The president was…

Sky: Contacts restarted for Medel and Rolando

July 14, 2014 16:27
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Manuele Baiocchini on Sky reports about Inter’s mercato: “This morning Rolando’s agent and Ausilio met to talk about the situation and to start the contacts…

Il Secolo XIX: Here is Sampdoria’s offer for Duncan

July 14, 2014 16:16
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The newspaper Il Secolo XIX who covers the Genova teams Sampdoria and Genoa reports about the situation for Alfred Duncan: “Sampdoria asked for a two…

A Bola: “Roma offers 5.5 million euro’s for Rolando”

July 14, 2014 16:12
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Roma makes an offer for Rolando. The confirmation comes from the Portuguese newspaper A Bola who claims that Roma is offering 5.5 million euro’s to…

SM: Inter accelerate for Medel

July 14, 2014 16:04
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Sportmediaset reports about Gary Medel and claims that Inter wants to accelerate to finish a deal for the player in the coming hours. At the…

Sky: “M’Vila fax expected today”

July 14, 2014 16:00
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Andrea Paventi on Sky reported directly from Pinzolo about Inter’s movements on the mercato: “Today the fax for M’Vila is expected to arrive and it…